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Bridge the Gap Education & Lab Access

More and more people are seeking deeper understanding of their health issues and treatment options beyond conventional prescription medications and procedures.  Functional medicine practitioners are uniquely equipped to address these needs, but many people do not have access to a practitioner in their area or are unable to afford the out-of-pocket cost of this type of care. Compass Center Functional Medicine's "Bridge the Gap" virtual classes are designed to help bridge the gap between conventional medicine and functional medicine, as well as expand the education opportunities for patients already working with functional medicine practitioners.  Through these classes, Connie Arispe, MD, IFMCP, and Lindsay Samuels, FMCHC, and other like-minded professionals will educate participants on:  

  • How to find clues to underlying contributors to their health issues in their own medical and environmental history

  • Lab tests available conventionally but underutilized as well as how to access additional help lab tests not available through conventional medical practices

  • Diet and lifestyle strategies to support vitality and potentially help reverse health issues

  • Nutritional, botanical, and other treatment options that can be used to complement or as an alternative to conventional treatments 

  • Where else to turn when the above strategies aren't enough

2023 Root Causes & Thyroid Tune-Up Virtual Classes

The 2023 Root Causes & Thyroid Tune-Up videos and outlines are being updated then will be available with an annual membership.  All payments made for 2023 classes will be credited towards your first annual membership if you enroll by May 1, 2024.  

Our discount process is not yet automated, so discounted membership enrollments need to be processed manually.  If you are eligible for this discount, subscribe to our mailing list (if you haven't already done so) then notify of your desire to enroll in the membership program with the pre-participation discount.  One of our team members will then contact you as soon as possible to complete your enrollment.  Memberships are not transferrable or refundable.  

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Root Causes, Parts 1-3

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Thyroid Tune-Up, Parts 1-3

Future Classes      

There will be many more classes to come!  Please let us know which topics are of greatest interest to you by completing and returning the topic interest survey below!  

Please help spread the word!     


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